Download, complete, sign and email completed form to cyd@littleitalymadonnari.com and mail hard copy with check to address indicated in the form.
Italian Street Painting, Music, Theater, Food, Wine and Beer
Little Italy Baltimore
September 9-11, 2022
YES! We’d be delighted to participate in the Madonnari Arts Festival 2022 in celebration of the Italian creative spirit.
Sponsors, please complete the form below and mail with your tax-deductible check made payable to Little Italy Madonnari Arts Festival, 29 Grant Circle, NW, Washington, DC 20011.
Square Sponsorship
Sponsorship “squares” are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Squares are approximately 10’ x 10’ and the cost of square sponsorship this year begins at $500.
Band Sponsorship
You can be a presenter of one or more musical groups/artists of your choice. For additional information regarding this sponsorship, please contact Ian Rashkin, President, Baltimore Jazz Alliance. info@baltimorejazz.com (443)712-7741.
Major Festival Sponsorship
Sforza $1000:
The Sforza sponsorship of $1,000 will entitle the sponsor to: 1) sponsorship of a work of art with sponsor’s name listed next to the artist and full use of photographs and video of the art in any future promotion; 2) mention in press releases; 3) name in the Festival program and 4) listing as sponsor on Festival website.
Este $2500:
The Este sponsorship of $2,500 will entitle the sponsor to: 1) sponsorship of a work of art with name listed next to the artist and full use of photographs and video of the art in any future promotion; 2) mention in press releases; 3) name in the Festival program; 4) listing as sponsor on Festival website and 5) name on Festival poster.
Gonzaga $5000:
The Gonzaga sponsorship of $5,000 will entitle the sponsor to: 1) sponsorship of a work of art with name listed next to the artist and full use of photographs and video of the art in any future promotion; 2) mention in press releases; 3) name in the Festival program; 4) listing as sponsor on Festival website; 5) name on print ads; 6) recognition in social media, radio and tv spots (number and placement to be determined–last year all major networks ran stories) and 7) name on the Festival poster.
Medici $10000:
The Medici sponsorship of $10,000 will entitle the sponsor to: 1) sponsorship of a work of art with name listed next to the artist and full use of photographs and video of the art in any future promotion; 2) mention in press releases; 3) name in the Festival program; 4) listing as sponsor on Festival website; 5) name on print ads; 6) recognition in social media, radio and tv spots (number and placement to be determined–last year all major networks ran stories); 7) name on the Festival poster; 8) the Medici sponsor can set up a tent at the Festival in a location to be determined.
Chalk Logos may be commissioned to appear on prominent corners of the Festival footprint. This price will be determined by the complexity of the design. For additional information regarding this sponsorship, please contact Cyd Wolf, cyd@littleitalymadonnari.com, (410)967-5441.
All major festival sponsors will be recognized at the musical events throughout the Festival and their logos will be featured on the festival website and other promotional material. Other sponsorships available. Sponsorships may be cash or “in kind”.
Special Gift
I am unable to participate in the festival; however, I wish to make a donation to support the festival. ____
Name of Sponsor (please indicate Business / Individual / Organization as you wish name to appear on your square, on the brochure and/or in press) ___________________________________________________
Address City / State / Zip_________________________________________________
Contact: Phones (work) (mobile/home) _____________________________
Email _________________
Amount of enclosed check $_________