Due to the unpredictability of the COVID virus, the Festival is postponed until 2023. Join us next year!
Baltimore’s Newest Mural Aptly Titled, “Italy in our Heart” by International Master Muralist CarloAlberto GH
September 26, 2021 (Baltimore) The heavens smiled on Baltimore as residents and friends of the Little Italy community celebrated the completion of the magnificent new mural inspired by Rome’s Trevi Fountain with a ribbon cutting ceremony and live music from The Stone Hill All-Stars and a jazz jam led by The Worthy Brothers. Hundreds of guests have already visited the new landmark as Oceanus continues to make waves on social media! Thank you to artist, CarlosAlberto GH and to sponsors, Little Italy Madonnari Arts Festival, Inc., Baltimore Jazz Alliance, Jonathan G. Willen/Vintage Affairs, The Mazzulli Family, The Onorato Family, The Gallerizzo Family, Tom and Jacque Iacoboni, Vince and Julie Piscopo, Perry Hall Insurance, Tru by Hilton, Dr. Frank C. Marino Foundation, Inc., Carl Julio, Rick China, Bob Marsili, Stratford University, Sabatino’s Italian Restaurant, Chiapparelli’s Italian Restaurant, Amicci’s, Vaccaro’s Italian Pastry Shop, Angeli’s Pizzeria, Cyd Wolf and Germano Fabiani.
Artist Carlos Alberto Garcia-Hernandez Discusses His Mural In Little Italy
A wow-inducing new mural for Little Italy
New Mural Revealed In Little Italy In Honor Of Madonnari Arts Festival
Little Italy Madonnari Arts Festival and Baltimore Jazz Alliance Sponsor 3D Trevi Fountain Mural at East Entrance to Baltimore’s Little Italy

Little Italy Baltimore Madonnnari Arts Festival 2019
What a gorgeous Festival we had! All of the art is spectacular! Congratulations to the artists and thank you to all who participated! This year’s street paintings are exquisitely rendered and the art along with the Artists’ Statements on “Courage” are thought-provoking and encourage dialogue. The First Place Classical Prize was awarded to Abraham Burciaga for his David and Goliath, the 2nd Place Prize was won by Flavio Coppola for his fabulous interpretation of a vintage photograph of Italian immigrants at Ellis Island and his statement on immigration. Third Place was a tie between Nicole Flaig for her tribute to The NASA Women and Andrea Starinieri for his portrait of Martin Luther King, Jr. The First Place Contemporary Prize was awarded to Julie Jilek for her depiction of Jane Goodall passing the baton to Greta Thunberg. The People’s Choice Award went to Lissette Aguirre for her Gypsy and the School Art Prize was awarded to the Baltimore School for the Arts for their piece inspired by an Italian tarot card portraying strength. Thank you to our judges Christine Sciacca (Associate Curator, European Art, 300-1400 CE- The Walters Art Museum), Rebecca Alban Hoffberger (Director, American Visionary Arts Museum), Craig Hankin, Director Emeritus of the Center for Visual Arts, Johns Hopkins University) and Denise Koch (Anchor/Reporter, WJZ-TV).
Our presenters, Little Italy Neighborhood Association and the Baltimore Jazz Alliance, threw the best party ever with the inspiration of Jonathan Willen, Juli Wolf and Vintage Affairs. Jazz, street painting and al fresco dining made for a magical weekend.
Thank you Mayor Jack Young, City Council Vice President Sharon Middleton, Councilman Zeke Cohen and Senator Bill Ferguson for joining us and awarding the Madonnari artists a special commendation. We are also grateful to the Residents of Little Italy for their collaboration and enthusiasm for this glorious event and for their generosity and kindness to our international guests.
We could not have asked for a more perfect Festival!
Countdown to the Festival!
Be a part of the creative process at the Fifth Annual Little Italy Baltimore Madonnari Arts Festival as artists give vision and voice to this year’s theme, Courage. Whether expressing the courage to stand up for our convictions, the courage to create, the courage to explore new worlds, the courage to speak out for those who have no voice, or honoring those among us or have come before us who have demonstrated or personify courage, our artists will define in personal and universal terms that much honored virtue. We look forward to sharing our Little Italy Neighborhood with our guest artists and patrons of the arts.
This year’s Festival is proudly presented by the Little Italy Neighborhood Association and the Baltimore Jazz Alliance and is supported in part by grants from Governor Larry Hogan and the Maryland State Arts Council, msac.org, and Mayor Jack Young and the Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts, promotionandarts.org. In addition to the exquisite street paintings to be located on S. High Street between Pratt Street and Eastern Avenue, the BJA Soundstage on Fawn Street between S. High Street and Albemarle Street hosts continuous live music by Baltimore’s exceptional performing artists. Artists and artisans will also open shop at our pop up Art Market to be located on Stiles Street between S. High Street and Albemarle Street. Bring your emerging artists to the Children’s Chalk Center, enjoy our street performers and al fresco dining. and meet the artists as they create their street paintings. There is plenty of parking in the Little Italy Parking Garage and the Fleet and Eden Garage. A full schedule of events is posted on this website.
Little Italy Baltimore Madonnari Arts Festival 2018
MOTHER NATURE HAD A TANTRUM AND WE HAD A FESTIVAL! As every respectable street painting chalk artist knows, a little rain can’t wash away memories!
The challenging Little Italy Baltimore Madonnari Arts Festival 2018 was an overwhelming success on so many levels– the creativity and camaraderie of our artists, the kindness and enthusiasm of our Little Italy community and thanks to the virtual world of social media, the incredible art that was completed both on the street and in the studio— yes, the Little Italy Restaurants became working artist studios on Sunday to allow our talented group to express themselves— the art lives on! You can see the art and the process on Facebook and Instagram and on this website in our 2018 Media Gallery. Please continue to send us your best pics and we will display them.. Enjoy the newest masterpiece of The Chalk Guys, Hector Diaz and Ken Mullen, the definitive street painting of the
1969 Rooftop Beatles Concert, completed at our Festival!
Thank you to all who participated for your dedication, resilience and resourcefulness, for your commitment to the arts!
Thank you Rhea Feikin and Maryland Public Television for this great MPT Maryland Minute!
Read this terrific article by Kate Orgera for Culture Trip!
Little Italy Baltimore Madonnari Arts Festival 2017
WHAT AN INCREDIBLE WEEKEND! The Little Italy Madonnari Arts Festival 2017 exceeded all expectations in terms of quality and execution of art, personal expression of our desperate love of freedom, the emotional connection with the Festival attendees and the very special camaraderie of our artists–Thank You. Grazie. Gracias. Domo Arigatou Gozaimasu. Our Little Italy community and the City of Baltimore are forever changed for the good because of the brilliance of our artists and all of you who visited us in Little Italy to enjoy the art, the music, the delicious food and libations and the spirit of our community!
All of the art was extraordinary and the full gallery of photos is now posted. Prizes were awarded as follows:
Little Italy Baltimore Madonnari Arts Festival 2016
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF THE FABULOUS ARTISTS WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE 2016 FESTIVAL! You distinguished yourselves with exquisite street paintings and a spirit that brought new life and beauty to our Little Italy. We also thank the wonderful performing artists, culinary artists, the judges, sponsors, the members of Columbus Celebrations, Inc. and the Associated Italian American Charities of Maryland, the City of Baltimore employees, our press and promotional partners, our planning committee members and volunteers who contributed to our glorious Second Annual Little Italy Baltimore Madonnari Arts Festival! Grazie! You are each an honored member of our extended Little Italy community!
The winners of the competition are as follows:
Classical: First Place – ToMo, Second Place – Andrea Starinieri, Third Place – Flavio Coppola
Contemporary: First Place – Carlos Alberto Garcia, Second Place – Jennifer Chaparro and Mercedes Chaparro, Third Place – K.C. Linn
People’s Choice: Carlos Alberto Garcia
Little Italy Baltimore Madonnari Arts Festival 2015
Congratulations to Matteo Appignani, our First Place winner and winner of the People’s Choice award, to Katie Better, our Second Place winner, and Heejun Ahn and John Gingrich, our Third Place winners.
Thank you to the residents of Little Italy, to the owners, operators and staff of the Little Italy restaurants and businesses, to our organizers, our sponsors, our volunteers, our judges, members of the press, city officials and most of all, to the artists who have changed Little Italy forever with their creative energy and enthusiasm. The beautiful chalk drawings may fade but the memories of this exquisite event and the knowledge that we can work together as a community to stage a world class arts festival is a lasting gift. This year’s festival was the beginning of a new tradition in Baltimore…Get ready for the Little Italy Baltimore Madonnari Arts Festival 2016!
Cyd and Germano
October 12, 2015